Sunday, July 18, 2010

What a weekend!

Whew, the weekend both went by quick and took forever to get through all at the same time. We had the priviledge of taking care of our friend's little 6 year old boy (whom I've known since his birth!) and who just so happens to be our little boy's best friend. They have grown up together and are 5 weeks apart in age, so to say the least, they behave quite a bit like 6 year old brothers. :)

We picked him up on Thursday night, and the boys enjoyed their dinner and movie time. They played for a bit and then off to bed they went. Friday morning, I took all four boys to the theatres and we watched Planet 51. They all loved it!!! Friday night we took the boys to eat some pizza, played games at Chuck E. Cheese then took them to see Despicable Me. I still can't believe how cute that movie was! Saturday morning I surprised the boys with pancakes and they stuffed their cute little faces. Saturday evening, we invited our sister-in-law and our 2-year-old niece over for some water play outside and dinner. Our friend's little boy decided to have spaghetti (he picked our dinner out) and so along with that, we had cobb salad and garlic bread. De-lish-ous!!!

This morning, I surprised the boys with pancakes again, this time chocolate chip! They loved them, of course. :) They had some amazing playtime and watched a couple of movies. As our friend was getting to the airport from out of town, I took our Standard Poodle Nola to the groomers to get all beautified. Our friend picked up son, I picked Nola back up from the groomers and our family had some tasty chinese food for dinner.

We had a very busy, but fun weekend. Can't wait to see what's in store for the week!