Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Goofy Boys!

I have the privilege of caring for the goofiest boys on the planet. Seriously. They all had a joyous time chasing each other around the living room couches today. Here's proof!

That's our oldest one - he was really going fast, he even fell a couple of times. Being a 6-year-old boy though, he got up and kept going.

This is our 2-year-old. He usually has zero speed whatsoever, but today, he let it out for the camera. What a ham...

And this is the cute little blondie I get to care for as well. He's also two, but has much more speed running than my little guy. Although, you can't really tell in his pic, he's not quite as blurry.

My son made some crafts today with dad. This is rare, since my husband's hobbies pretty much consist of eating, playing basketball, watching basketball, getting into basketball leagues, and sleeping. He fits me and the boys in whenever possible.

Anyhow, he was making crafts today with my son, and the kid decides he wants to make a specific craft and so he makes one, and my husband makes another under the direction of our 6-year-old. This is what was made under that direction:

This is my son's "Poles Ofsr" badge. Nothing? Okay, it's his "Police Officer" badge. Isn't it spectacular? This, my friends, is one of those things that can never possibly be thrown away. Ever. This is already tucked away in the special keepsakes file, to be brought out when he meets that special girl and brings her home. That's when this comes out. The things boys make. Wonderful items to be saved for future embarrasment. What silly creatures they are. I wouldn't trade them for the world. My husband might trade them in for a game of basketball though...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

We Be Rollin!

I had a BLAST tonight. I went roller skating. Soooo muuuuch fuuuun! I mean, the skates definitely could have had better wheels, and some sort of insole inside to protect the arch of your foot from riding along the plate the entire night, but aside from that, is was tons o' fun! I don't think there was really another adult there aside from the manager guy. I'm not counting the ladies I went with either. Just about everyone there was somewhere between 4 and 16 years old. Staff included (minus the manager). Kinda crazy, but luckily no fights broke out.

I have loved loved LOVED roller skating all my life. I just never got back into it after I turned 16. It's been over 10 years people! (I'll only be 29 this June, don't worry, I'm not THAT old.) I am most certainly giving credit to the movie "Whip It" for reminding me how much I love roller skating. I'm also super interested in getting into Roller Derby now as well. I figured I should probably go back to the basics first though and just go at my pace at an indoor rink where no one is shoving you into the walls or pushing you down. Oh wait, that already happened tonight. Huh, maybe I am ready! Just kidding.

Anywho, I had fun, can't wait to do it again. I'm seriously considering having my birthday at a skating rink just so I can get all my family and friends out there with me. Or, if not, they can all just watch me skate around! By the way, these are the skates I'm getting from

Hopefully they get here soon. Exciting, I know.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'm so sorry...

The day started off quite nicely, woke up to the whistling of the wind and it was quite chilly out when my little niece arrived. Had a typical day, everyone ate normally, diapers were changed, noses wiped and hands washed. Naps went as scheduled, and my workout with my husband went splendidly. Insanity really is insane. Had a great time out with my BFF, shopped at a super popular store whose name rhymes with "Cold Gravy" and then had a lovely dinner at Paradise Bakery. I do love their Tomato Soup...

Anyhow, after I arrived back home, I was helping my hubs put the monkeys to bed when my phone rang. Now, I usually don't answer my phone after 9:30pm, but I noticed it was my sister, so naturally, I answered. I could immediately tell something was wrong when I heard her voice - she sounded as if she'd been crying. Of course, my "Mamma Bear" instincts kicked in and I asked her what was wrong.

Sadly, the beautiful baby bird she picked out for her birthday just this past Saturday had passed away in her hands earlier this evening. She was devastated and I felt so truly heartbroken for her. She did not have "Honey" for very long, but that little bird was oh so very loved by her already. I did not have any words for her other than "I'm so sorry". What else can you tell your little sister? She is so far away that I cannot even go to her and comfort her, I cannot hold her in my arms and let her cry on my shoulder. I wanted to be there for her, but the phone only lets you do so much. I'm so very sorry my sister. I am sorry you lost your beautiful baby bird, but at the same time, I'm grateful that she was with you until her last breath. To know that she was in your hands and feeling your tremendous love must have made it just a little more easy for her.

I'm so very sorry...

Friday, March 5, 2010

It's Friday!!!

Finally! Friday has arrived and the weekend is finally here! So much to do, so much to do! This week has been...interesting, to say the least. The oldest of my little sisters turned 22 on Wednesday (Happy birthday sis!)and is coming up from Tucson to celebrate her birthday. Or should I say, to have herself celebrated and have gifts poured upon her? Hmmm, either way, she's coming up to have some food, fun, a shot or two and eat cake. There may also be a special little surprise in there for her...she finds out tomorrow! My goodness, she has grown up so fast!

I still remember her carrying around this little toy from McDonalds, it was the little dog Dodger from Oliver and Company. It was her absolute most favorite thing in her entire little world. She LOVED that thing. She'd had it for a really long time, possibly close to a year. She took it with her on a trip to the mall with our family, and as we were leaving, she realized that she didn't have it in her hands anymore. Now, at this time, she was somewhere around 3-4 years old, and to see the look on her face and tears welling up in her eyes was just heartbreaking. Even to me! And I was just about 11 or 12 at that time! I remember my parents going back to every store, retracing every step we took in that place, but to no avail. It was gone and we couldn't find it. She was upset and cried, but it wasn't the "bratty" type of cry. It was a genuine sadness that rose up all the way from the tippytoes of her feet, all the way up to her big brown eyes and overflowed into huge droplets of tears. I think our dad felt guilty, because for quite a while after that day, he tried bringing home all different types and sizes and colors of stuffed dog toys for little girls. She liked them all, but loved none the way she did Dodger. We never did find that little guy, and I've never forgotten it. If there was one thing I could get her for her birthday, it would be that little dog toy from McDonald's. We miss you Dodger, and sis, so sorry your precious little friend was lost that day so many years ago.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day One

So, I've been wanting to blog for a while now and have just never had the time to do it. I mean, I did have a little bit of time here and there, you know, in between changing diapers, cleaning runny noses, homeschooling, taking photos and serving the dogs, but I never really had time. Okay, I lied. Who am I kidding. I did have time every so often, I was just a little nervous putting myself out there. I was scared. There. I said it. Perhaps I thought the great big world would think I was just a weirdo, but then today I realized, wait a minute. They already DO think I'm a weirdo! So here I am! In the flesh cyberness that is the internet. I am quite excited to embark on this priceless journey with you all.

On a completely separate note, I got to take care of one of the most adorable little boys in the world EVER! He is 5 months old and has eyes the color of, well, something really nice and the little bit of hair that he has shines like gold. He's gonna be a heartbreaker when he grows up. Watch out ladies!